• The disappearance of Dnipro: the real reason for Kolomoisky's decision to close the club has become known

    09.06.2024, 18:48

    Ingulets owner Oleksandr Povorozniuk shared information about the reasons why Ihor Kolomoisky closed FC Dnipro.

    - The situation was as follows: coach Juande Ramos brought a list of players he wanted to see, Kolomoisky bought everything for him, and he took kickbacks from each player, which the owner of Dnipro later learned.

    Meanwhile, the debt to Ramos grew when he left. He said: "Listen, I won't say anything to the public, I'll forgive you, but I don't owe you anything. He replied: "No, I will demand everything." Kolomoisky said: "Well, I won't give it to you on principle." He is a very principled person, as far as I understand. He said: "I will bury Dnipro, but I will not give you the money." He did just that. This is a rumor that people told me, but it's close to the truth," the president of Ingulets told the BurBuzz YouTube channel.

  • Temuri Ketzbay: "Moldovans worked wonders on the football field"

    09.06.2024, 18:24

    The head coach of the Cyprus national team, Temuri Ketsbay, whose team lost to Moldova 2-3 in a friendly match, spoke about the opponent that the Ukrainian national team will play on June 11.

    - We have been watching the Moldovan national team's recent matches closely and must admit that they looked good in games against strong teams. We can say that the Moldovans have worked wonders on the football field," said Ketzbay.

    It should be noted that in 2023, the Moldovan national team recorded a victory over the Poles (3:2), as well as draws with the same Poles (1:1), Czechs (0:0) and Austrians (1:1).

  • "Veres claims Kolos defender

    AWAW Aндрiй Кравчук (AWAW)

    09.06.2024, 18:00

    According to TaToTake, Veres Rivne plans to strengthen its squad with the center back of Kolos Kovaliv Roman Honcharenko.

    The parties are actively negotiating, the content of which has not yet been disclosed.

    Last season, the 30-year-old defender played 6 matches in the Ukrainian championship (5 in the starting lineup), did not score, and earned one warning.

  • Vladislav Kulach: "Every country knows how to play football now, including Azerbaijan"

    09.06.2024, 17:36

    Former Dynamo forward Vladyslav Kulach compared Azerbaijani football to Ukrainian football after his time with Zira.

    - I can't say that there is any significant difference. Every country knows how to play football now, including Azerbaijan. In my opinion, the local championship is getting stronger every year in terms of competition and struggle. This season, for example, in the last round we could have taken both second and fifth place. It's quite interesting when the fight goes to the last moment," Kulach said in an interview withUV.

  • UPL clubs claim for Dynamo midfielder

    09.06.2024, 17:12

    Midfielder Mykola Mykhailenko, whose rights belong to Dynamo, has attracted interest from UPL clubs.

    "It seems to me that Mykhaylenko is more like Shaparenko than Pikhalenko in terms of his playing qualities and his playing profile. I myself am interested in what decision Dynamo will make regarding the future of Mykhailenko, who is now in great demand in the UPL. Will he stay at Dynamo? Or will he be loaned out again? Well, I don't believe that he will be sold, to be honest," Vatsko said in his author's program on Youtube.

    We will remind, earlier there was information that Mykhailenko, who spent the 2023/2024 season on loan at Oleksandriya, would go to the summer training camp with Dynamo.

  • Ruslan Malinowski on the defeat by Poland: "Rebrov was very angry"

    09.06.2024, 16:51

    Ukraine's midfielder Ruslan Malynovskyi told how the team's head coach Serhii Rebrov reacted to the 1-3 defeat by Poland in a friendly match.

    "He was very angry because we had been working on standards for 2-3 days and conceded such goals. We will analyze tomorrow what we need to do in the next matches to avoid making such mistakes.

    Why haven't I scored for the national team with long shots for a long time? Teams also analyze, they know what they need to close. Even Skorupsky, who plays for Bologna, I heard him a lot, did when the ball was on the left, he emphasized for the midfielders to be closer to me. I hope that at Euro 2024 there will be more chances and I will be able to score from long range," Malinowski said on the UAF Youtube channel.

  • It has become known when Markevich's future at Karpaty may be determined

    09.06.2024, 16:30

    Today, Karpaty head coach Myron Markevych will return to Lviv from Spain, where he was on vacation.

    According to our source, the manager is scheduled to meet with the owner of FC Karpaty Volodymyr Matkivsky on June 10, after which specifics about the reinforcement of the Green and Whites during the summer transfer window should appear. If there are significant disagreements on this issue, it is possible that Myron Markevych will be forced to resign as head coach.

    At the moment, it is certain that legionnaires Arielson, Jared Hasa and Mykhailo Khromey will no longer play for Karpaty.

  • Andriy Pyatov: "If Stepanenko's T-shirt is tucked in, that's it, it will be battles now"

    09.06.2024, 16:09

    Shakhtar's goalkeeping coach Andriy Pyatov told how you can tell that the Pitmen's midfielder Taras Stepanenko came out with a very fighting spirit.

    "When I was still playing, we noticed one specific feature of Stepanenko. Look when he comes out for the game. If his shirt is tucked in, then that's it, there will be battles, it's his mood. If it's not tucked in, he's in a relaxed mood, "Pasik, Pasik," and so on. Stepan is an example for young people," Pyatov said in an interview with Sport Arena.

  • A landmark anniversary of Dynamo players in the national team of Ukraine

    09.06.2024, 15:48

      The friendly match against Poland (1-3) became a landmark for Dynamo players who defend the colors of the national team of Ukraine.

      Read completely →

    • Former Dynamo striker: "Next club? I don't plan anything yet"

      09.06.2024, 15:27

      Former Dynamo forward Vladislav Kulach told about his future plans after leaving Azerbaijani Zira.

      "I do not plan anything yet, I am considering options. It's not even a week after the end of the season, I want to have some rest first, and then think.

      This is a very good result for the team. We are the second team in Azerbaijan, second only to "Garabagh", so the season was successful for the team.

      As for me personally, of course, I would like to do better. Micro-injuries prevented to be in the form I planned. But if we evaluate as a whole, it turned out to be a good season both for me and for the team," Kulach said.

    • Artem Dovbyk: "There is no need to make a tragedy out of the defeat by Poland"

      09.06.2024, 15:06

      On June 7 in Warsaw, the Ukrainian national team lost to Poland in a friendly match (1-3). Forward Artem Dovbyk shared his impressions of the match.

      "I am very grateful to the fans, because this is my first Lion of the Match award. I hope it won't be the last. My goal? There was a counterattack, and Ruslan Malinowski gave a good pass. I took it, moved and scored because I saw that the Polish goalkeeper had come out of the goal a little bit. I hit it well and scored.

      There is no need to make a tragedy out of the defeat against Poland. Now all the national teams are preparing for Euro 2024, and even the England team lost at Wembley. We and the coaching staff have a lot to think about. I believe that we still have a dress rehearsal for the European Championship ahead of us," Dovbyk said.

    • Georgiy Sudakov: "I will be fully prepared for the match with Romania"

      09.06.2024, 14:45

      On June 7 in Warsaw, the Ukrainian national team lost to Poland in a friendly match (1-3). Midfielder Heorhii Sudakov commented on the result of the match.

      "It's hard to say what the main reason for the defeat was. Probably, we lost concentration somewhere during the standards. We conceded two quick goals and then the third. After that, it's hard to recover and equalize. But we showed a decent game, although we realize that the result is important for everyone. However, we are preparing for Euro 2024 and realize that the match was a friendly. First of all, we have to prepare for the opening match with Romania.

      As for the structure of our game, we cannot say that we played badly. Two corners played a key role. When you lose 0:3 in the 30th minute, it is difficult to level up.

      In the first half, the Poles started to press high, and we had a lot of ball losses in simple situations. I think we needed to play more vertically. When we reorganized, we had three good opportunities in the first half. Moments began to appear when we started playing behind them. We should have added to these components right away.

      Despite the recent injury, I feel almost ready. There are a few more days, then the match with Moldova. Then, I think, I will be fully ready for the match with Romania," Sudakov said.

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